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Deaths Due To Antibiotic Resistance Prevented

0 Billion +

Dollars Saved in the United States Annually

0 Fold

More sensitive than existing analysis technologies

0 +

Infections Prevented in the US Each Year
The Problem

By 2050, Antimicrobial Resistance will cause more deaths than cancer.

In the United States, 22% of antibiotics are unnecessarily prescribed due to the inability to accurately differentiate between bacterial and viral infections, contributing to 2.8 million annual drug-resistant cases and causing 35,000 deaths every year.

Our Solution

your health in your hands: the Sudora Sense

The Sudora Sense uses sweat from the eccrine glands of your palms and TLip-LISA technology to analyze protein concentration levels and calculate the probability of viral and bacterial infections

Mockup of the Sudora Sense Layers
About Us

Meet Our Team

We pride ourselves in our values of efficiency, passion, and proactiveness. Our team is made up of creative individuals who are excited to use emerging technology to fight antibiotic resistance. 

Learn More About Us

Frequently Asked Questions

Better Than Ever Before

When should the sudora sense be used?

The Sudora Sense can be used as frequently as the patient wants, meaning a test can be run every day or only when feeling symptomatic. Doctors should use the device on patients before prescribing antibiotics to ensure they are necessary.

Where can I purchase the device?

The Sudora Sense will be available at clinics and hospitals throughout the United States, as well as local pharmacies. It will also be available for purchase over-the-counter for patient use at home.

Is it invasive and how much sweat is required?

Our technology is non-invasive, meaning the test is performed by simply scanning your hand. The palm usually generates enough sweat for analyses (around 10 grams is needed), however, simple induction methods like presenting small amounts of steam also work. No need to do a workout to produce sweat!

How is this better than existing technology?

The Sudora Sense introduces brand new technology and science that are 10 times better than anything we have today, in accuracy (measured in folds ), efficiency (non-invasive and quick) and death/infection prevention levels.

How much does it cost?

Although most of Sudora Sense is developed with emerging technology that has yet to be widely sold, we estimate that manufacturing costs for the device will be around $150. With an average markup of 50%, Sudora can be profitable by selling the Sense for $200-$225 each. Based on the wearable technology and health-monitoring market, we believe that this is a reasonable and cost-efficient price, with Apple Watches costing more than $250, glucose monitors costing up to $1,000 per year and blood test lab kits ranging anywhere from $500-$5,000 (or more). 


Expert Validation

Industry experts who validated our proposal and believe that the Sudora Sense has the ability to revolutionize medicine